About Life ... Sobre a vida ...

We all breath, cry, feel lonely, love regardless of our race, gender or orientation. We all crave the human touch at some stage in our lives, someone to hold, someone to simply be there for us during our moments of need. After all, everyone in this life deserves "happiness". In the form that corresponds our personal point of view...

Monday, April 03, 2006


"'Syriana' is a very real term used by Washington think-tanks to describe a hypothetical reshaping of the Middle East..."

I didn't like Middle East films. I thought of it like another one of them. And talk about judging a book by its cover huh?

Syriana is a film that depicts in a very plausible way the way really things work in the world. Who decides making wars, and why wars are actually being held. Everybody knows that, but watching it for about 2 hours being done in front of you, makes you have goosebumps.

Its initial slow plot may make you tired all too soon, but patience is a good advisor because the end of the film will compensate you. Instead of being bored try to find the tiny strings that hold the whole "theatrical play" together.

Unfortunately Syriana is not just a film. It's reality given in a film-making way. Although, actual reality is far more brutal and cruel than the one on the film.

And then we expect that Extraterrestrial Intelligence may be interested in us? Interested in what? Get serious will you...?


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