About Life ... Sobre a vida ...

We all breath, cry, feel lonely, love regardless of our race, gender or orientation. We all crave the human touch at some stage in our lives, someone to hold, someone to simply be there for us during our moments of need. After all, everyone in this life deserves "happiness". In the form that corresponds our personal point of view...

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Lack of answers...

I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday, we were asking things to each other. At some point he asked me a simple most common question. "What do you like most in your life?"

I remained speechless... I should be able to answer that kind of question promptly. But I didn't. I remained there, thinking about what I like in my life. Of course I didn't look for simple things like going out or watching a film etc.

What I came up with was traveling, walking in the beach in the sunset, even driving while listening to some music. Ok, all these things have their fascination but, I couldn't find anything in my everyday life that I like... Isn't that sad? Isn't that unsettling? Well I don't know.
It was a quite puzzling question to me... And the point that, what set me thinking was not the answer itself. It was the actual lack of answers...


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